Team H2politO 2015

Team H2politO 2015

22 ottobre 2014

On your marks, get set, go!

We were talking about it for monts. We understood that, after 6 years of activity, a blog would represent another way to tell our story.

No more constrained by the shortness of Facebook, and by the officiality of our website, but free to express creatively who we are and what we want to do.

Along these years we’ve been defined in many ways: madmen, inventors, recommended, loiterers and who knows how many others. No one, or maybe a few, gave the correct definition, because is really complicated to find the right one. First of all, we are students of Politecnico di Torino. We always begin from the premise that we do not know anything, and this consciousness pushes ourselves to carry out the most noble act as human being: learn.

The learning and growing path it’s seldom easy, but the opposite. Mistakes are always present, sometimes they are preparatory and make us grow up and fill our “backpack” with experience.

Second, we are in our own small way engineers. We are lucky to implement in practice what our professors of Poli teach us every day in the lectures. But it’s not only this: we have the wonderful possibility to directly and constantly match with high level enterprises and professionals. These opportunities trains every single Team member both in the professional point of view and in the personal one.

Last but not least we are dreamers. A celebrated Formula One driver used to say “It’s necessary to dream, but in the dream must be catch a glimpse of reality”: this it’s what we do. We dream about giving our personal contribution to the future of automotive and we do dream to participate to that historic change that will lead at a totally different way to conceive the automotive world. We do not want to be spectators anymore, but directors of a new sustainable mobility.

This is Team H2politO, this is our essence.


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